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公司名称: shandong linuo import& *域名隐藏*  
所在省份: 山东  
成立日期: 1996 
注册资金: 大于1亿 
员工数量: 大于1000 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: 产品--太阳能热管,热管集热器,csp高温管以及太阳能空调,采暖,海水淡化等  
公司简介: Linuo Group was established in 1994, specializing in solar products, glassware, pharmacy and automotive coatings. As an internationalized group, Linuo also involves foreign trading and the third industry. Now the group has four industries: Solar Energy, Glassware, Pharmacy and Chemicals. Now the borosilicate glass raw tubes occupies more than 61% of Chinese market, and the double-layer evacuated tubes are taking market share over 35% in China. 
shandong linuo import& *域名隐藏* / 山东 / 济南市经十路 () / 电话:0531-88729367

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